Embarrassment is a feeling of shame or self–consciousness. This emotion has existed since the beginning of time, and there’s nothing anyone can do to totally protect themselves against it. To be honest, experiencing embarrassment is part of life. It just happens. However, embarrassment in itself is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It just simply is. Most times, once we overcome it, it becomes a funny moment we tell with laughter in our eyes and smiles later on. So we have to learn not to take ourselves too seriously.
An excellent way to grow is to learn from your embarrassment. There is always something to pick up from it. Sometimes embarrassment is a way to humble you and remind you that sometimes life just happens. Sometimes, people embarrass us and show their true colors. Don’t get it twisted. At the point of embarrassment, it may feel like the worst thing in the world, but once someone embarrasses you learn who they are. However, it isn’t always that others embarrass us. Sometimes we embarrass ourselves, either because of our shortcomings or mistakes. The insidious nature of embarrassment is why several scholars, writers, politicians, philosophers, celebrities, etc., worldwide have tried their best to explain the complexities and nuances surrounding embarrassment.
These quotes we have compiled would help you navigate the different and often polarising emotions that come with embarrassment.
Embarrassing moments quotes
You would definitely encounter an embarrassing moment in your life. You cannot really escape it no matter what you do. However, there are different types of awkward moments you encounter. Some may be funny such as having a bird poop on your car or singing the wrong lyrics to a song out loud. When this happens, it’s best not to take yourself too seriously. In fact, laughing at yourself would help you feel better about the embarrassing moment.
However, there are certain embarrassing moments that are downright terrible, and laughing at yourself or making a joke out of it would just be adding insult to injury. For instance, someone is insulting you with a loud voice in public and being left on read after planning a dinner date with someone. In situations like this, what you ought to do is understand that people can be terrible. It is not your fault that you happened to be taken for a fool. Also, do not suppress emotions and try to pretend it’s okay. Allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of all your emotions: anger, sadness, disappointment, and of course, embarrassment. After you have done it, you can start thinking of ways to make sure you do not get embarrassed again. For instance, you can go and meet who disrespected you in public and tell them off and rightfully detach yourself from them
Here are some quotes about embarrassing situations
“Life is a series of embarrassing moments which leave you feeling alone in your confusion and shame.” – Miranda
“Embarrassment is a villain to be crushed.” – Robert B. Cialdini
“A man that is ashamed of passions that are natural and reasonable is generally proud of those that are shameful and silly.” – Mary Wortley Montagu
“It is a shameful thing to be weary of inquiry when what we search for is excellent.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn’t be done.” – Sam Ewing
“Embarrassment isn`t a just cause of action.” – Jodi Picoult
“The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” – Douglas Engelbart
“You can never really trust someone who remembers every embarrassing detail of your adolescence.” – Daniel Clowes
“It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while other write history. It matters little who wins.” – Benito Mussolini
“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”– Richard Branson
“Embarrassment isn’t a just cause of action.”– Jodi Picoult
“But I learned that there’s a certain character that can be built from embarrassing yourself endlessly. If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there’s not much else that can really get to ya.”– Christian Bale
“Don’t worry; it’s perfectly normal to have at least one embarrassing experience at some point in your life, though many of us have experienced way more than that!”– Anonymous
“Embarrassment is normal. What that is not normal is when you do not accept embarrassment.”–Anonymous
Quotes to help you in embarrassing situations
Embarrassing situations are the worst. You cannot do anything about it but try and experience it as it is happening. It is actually way worse when someone else is there to experience it as you do too. However, you can do nothing other than just live it! That’s the only way to keep your sanity. Unfortunately, there’s no time machine that can help you go back in time to delete the memory.
There are several ways to help yourself navigate these unpleasant emotions. The first way is to know that everyone in the world has experienced embarrassing situations at least once in their lifetime. This thought is not to invalidate your experience but to help put it in perspective. Next up, you ask yourself what you would do or tell a friend who is experiencing an embarrassing situation. Whatever comes to mind, tell yourself that.
Then you can try to look at the situation from an onlooker’s point of view. For instance, if you just stepped on poo, the onlooker probably thinks, “who could have been terrible enough to leave poop in a public space?” See, it’s not your fault. More times than not, people are not even thinking of us as terrible as we believe they are. Also, remember how you felt when you saw someone in an embarrassing situation. You most likely didn’t insult them or think badly of them.
Here are some cool quotes to help you in situations like this:
“Embarrassment lasts a moment. Regret lasts a lifetime.”– Avinash Wandre
“Everyone has embarrassing moments at work – it shows we’re all human. The best way to handle awkward moments is to gracefully move on, and, if possible, try to find humor in the situation.”– Diane Domeyer
“Being embarrassed means that you’re human, and we like you better for it.”– Nick Morgan
“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”– Richard Branson
“If you are never scared, embarrassed, or hurt, it means you never take chances.”– Julia Soul
“Embarrassment isn’t a just cause of action.”– Jodi Picoult
“It’s only embarrassing if you care what people think.”– Anonymous
“If you can dance and be free, and not embarrassed, you can rule the world.”– Amy Poehler
“It is embarrassing to tell you this, but it seems to come down mostly to just learning to be kinder.”– Aldous Huxley
For me, I’m OK doing embarrassing things, when it’s with somebody else. I’m not the only person to look at.
–– Amy Smart
“The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always.”– Arthur Miller
“It is the answers, not the questions, that are embarrassing.”– Helen Suzman
“Most of my conscious efforts have ended in embarrassing failure…”–Ingmar Bergman
“I can finally see that all the terrible parts of my life, the embarrassing parts, the incidents I wanted to pretend never happened, and the things that make me “weird” and “different,” were actually the most important parts of my life. They were the parts that made me ME.”– Jenny Lawson
How to handle awkward situation quotes?
Awkward substations are a tad different from embarrassing situations. Awkward situations feel more like pre–embarrassing situations, which does not make them any better. Look, we have all been there; maybe you were chatting with a coworker and greeted someone who didn’t hear you, or you told a joke that was quite unfunny. Yeah, awkward. No matter what causes an awkward situation. It is something we all deal with. Awkward questions from toddlers, intrusive questions from older relatives, and boring jokes are not going away anytime soon at all. So, since no one wants to feel an awkward situation, here are some ways you can navigate it.
It is always good if you own it. Yeah, you said something slightly embarrassing; boo hoo! Things happen, and no one is perfect. Let he who is without awkward moments cast the first stone. Having the mind to joke about the situation actually puts people at ease. If you do not want to own it, the best thing to do is move on! Do not focus on the awkward situation; the world is spinning fast so should you. Finally, chill out. You can calm yourself down by focusing on your breathing or counting colors and sounds. You can also excuse yourself to regroup and come back better and more ready to navigate the situation. Most times, when you come back, the world has moved on. Lucky you!
Here are some quotes about how best to handle awkward situations.
“I feel like a lot of life is distasteful and embarrassing. And you just push through it. You fix what you can, and you let time pass.”–Curtis Sittenfeld
“Being embarrassed means that you’re human, and we like you better for it.” – Nick Morgan
The secret of how to live without resentment or embarrassment in a world in which I was different from everyone else was to be indifferent to that difference.” – Al Capp
“The best way to give assistance to those who are deeply embarrassed and to calm them down is to praise them decisively.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“Embarrassment is normal. What is not normal is when you do not accept embarrassment.” – Anonymous
“Embarrassment lasts a moment. Regret lasts a lifetime.” – Dr. Avinash Wandre
“Life is a series of embarrassing moments which leave you feeling alone in your confusion and shame.” – Miranda Hart
“Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn’t be done.” – Sam Ewing
“Embarrassment is where growth happens.” – Jaylen Brown
“But I learned that there’s a certain character that can be built from embarrassing yourself endlessly. If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there’s not much else that can really get to you.” – Christian Bale
“The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” – Douglas Engelbart
“Do not be embarrassed by your failures; learn from them and start again.” – Richard Branson
“The best gift you can give yourself is getting over the fear of embarrassment because then you’re completely free to try anything.” –Jesse Itzler
“Everyone has embarrassing moments at work–it shows we’re all human. The best way to handle awkward moments is to gracefully move on, and, if possible, try to find humor in the situation.” – Diane Domeyer
It’s only embarrassing if you’re embarrassed
It’s a very human thing to make mistakes and do cringe things. We have all been there; maybe you are rushing to reach the bus and, unfortunately, stumble on a stone. Too bad, but do not stay down there and sulk. You would simply get up and continue walking. This method is exactly how to navigate embarrassing situations; just keep walking. We feel embarrassed because we think it is a flaw, and others should not see flaws lest we be judged. This analogy means that if you take out the feat of being judged by others from the equitation, it would really help you deal with the situation.
Thus, embarrassing situations are only in your head! Note that it is a choice to feel embarrassed. If someone does not like the fact that you fell down, it is their problem and not yours. If someone makes fun of you if bird poop falls on you, it is their issue, not yours. You didn’t ask to be there; it just happened. If you dye your hair red and someone judges you. It is their problem. The choice to stay happy and unembarrassed is controlled by you, to be honest. So, do that tik tok challenge, and learn that new skill if you want to. If you fall down, pick yourself up and walk like the boss that you are. Do not let your insecurity keep you from living life!
We’ve curated some quotes for you to help you break free from feeling embarrassed.
“Embarrassment has a lot to do with thinking too much. Let it go. Nobody cares as much as you think they do.” – Anonymous
“It’s only embarrassing if you care what people think.” – Anonymous
I hate this embarrassing memory, but embarrassment can be a good thing. It means you’ve grown from who you were before.” – Paulette Perhach
The simple yet scary thing about getting embarrassed is that one’s embarrassment can be another’s entertainment.” – Lirzod Basha
“It’s an embarrassing fact that we are more afraid of embarrassment than a host of other discomforts, but it isn’t less true for all that.” – Susan Neiman
It’s not even necessarily the will or want to win. It’s a shame and embarrassment of losing.” – Rich Froning Jr.
“We’re often afraid of looking at our shadow because we want to avoid the shame or embarrassment that comes along with admitting mistakes.” – Marianne Williamson
“Even when I took first prize, topped the class, won the race, I never really won anything. I was merely avoiding the embarrassment of losing.” – Portia de Rossi
“We feel properly embarrassed when we are caught doing something that makes us look inept, knuckleheaded, or inappropriate. Maybe the difference is this: we feel embarrassed because we look bad, and we feel shame because we think we are bad. When we are embarrassed, we feel socially foolish. When we are shamed, we feel morally unworthy.” – Lewis B. Smede
“So never be embarrassed by mistakes, rather, be thankful for them, because they always present an opportunity for personal growth.” – Donald L. Hicks
“The motivation comes from the embarrassment of having lost and the way it sits with you.” – Ben Morgan
“Although uncomfortable, embarrassment is a necessary pre–runner to recognizing one’s mistakes and making progress on the path. Speaking openly about our faults, in a well–intentioned but direct manner is often humorous because we all tend to know the truth about people even though it is usually not stated outright.” – Donna Goddard
“But that intimacy of mutual embarrassment, in which each feels that the other is feeling something, having once existed, its effect is not to be done away with.” – George Eliot
“I know how much embarrassment hurts, and I love it as a theme because you can keep digging a hole. It’s just an endless, well, embarrassment.” – Ricky Gervais
Learn to laugh at yourself
Do not take life too seriously. You are a homo sapiens living on a floating rock in a vast space of nothingness far bigger than we can even imagine. Also, we are here for a limited time that we cannot control. You can stay hating on yourself and being overly serious, or you can learn to be carefree and see the beauty and humor in everything. We understand that navigating negativity is complex, and no one wants to be laughed at. However, learning to laugh at yourself would help you deal with your own reality and insecurities. This is linked to higher confidence, greater self–awareness, happiness, and better mental health.
Never let anyone control you through your actions or inactions. You are the architect of your soul and owner of your life. Our time here is short so shine as bright as you possibly can. Live, laugh, and love may be cliché, but it is a powerful mantra. It was Irving Kahal that said, “let a smile be your umbrella.” This means that a good laugh can protect you on hard days. Laughing at yourself shows that you are a strong person who understands yourself. It also helps you stay humble because you acknowledge your mistakes and try to be better. Hateful comments also have a lesser impact on you if you laugh at yourself more often. This is even the harsh sting of insults going away.
Here are some quotes to help you take yourself less seriously and laugh:
“When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you.” – Joan Rivers
“If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine. If you allow others to laugh with you, you will be great.” – Martin Niemoller
“Love who you are and what you are and what you do. Laugh at yourself and at life and nothing can touch you.” – Louise Hay
“Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.” – Chelsea Handler
“You gotta just laugh at yourself and let it go and not take things too seriously because life is too short.” – Ally Hilfiger
“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.” – Barry Humphries
“When you can laugh at yourself, you are free.” – Ted Loder
“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.” – Dame Edna Everage
“If you can’t laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot longer than you’d like.” – Natalie Portman
“When you can laugh at yourself you are free.” – Ted Loder
“The ability to compromise and having the ability to laugh at ourselves is huge and works well for me.” – Steve Carell
“If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine. If you allow others to laugh with you, you will be great.” – Martin Niemoller
“To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.” – William Arthur Ward
“Learning to laugh at yourself is the beginning of self–mastery.” – Maitreya
Funny quotes about embarrassment
Okay, we have to be truthful, embarrassing situations can be funny. This is no harm to the person living it. We already know that, more often than not, people have no control over the situations they find themselves in. This is why sitcoms and many comedic movies use humorous, embarrassing situations to drive the plot and make the audience laugh. This reason is also why after we have lived through embarrassing situations, we can laugh and look back at it as funny.
Thus, one of the best ways to help yourself out of embarrassing situations is to see the funny side and find the humor. This may make you feel a lot better and help you dodge negative thoughts. Negative thoughts can be intrusive and only make you feel bad. You do not want to get dragged down a hole of harmful emotions.
Morgan Freeman said being embarrassed reminds everyone that you are human. Also, it is the absurdity of life that makes it fun, so learn to always laugh at yourself and make jokes to feel better. Remember that being positive and cheerful does not mean you don’t feel the full range of negative emotions. It is quite the contrary. Being positive means that you are choosing to acknowledge the glass half–full. So are you a funny person or a sad person?
Here are some quotes about embarrassing situations
“Nothing is as embarrassing as watching your boss do something you assured him couldn’t be done.” – Earl Wilson
“To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent.”– Dave Barry
“If embarrassment were a muscle, I’d be huge.”– Brent Weeks
“I believe I shall never be old enough to speak without embarrassment when I have nothing to talk about.”– Anonymous
“Don’t talk with out knowing; it saves you the embarrassment.”– Anonymous
“The awkward moment when you’re pretending you’re talking to someone on the phone and then it rings.”– Anonymous
“I have to learn to ignore my feelings. Not just the feeling of hunger and the feeling of fullness, but the feeling of embarrassment, too. I have to remember that this is only weird if I make it weird.” – Joey Chestnut
“That awkward moment when you get mad at someone and slam the door then realized you forgot something so you have to go back.”– Anonymous
“That awkward moment when you confidently say the wrong answer aloud in class.”– Anonymous
“That awkward moment when you wave and smile at someone but they don’t see you.”– Anonymous
“That awkward moment when you’re checking yourself out in the window of another car and realize there’s someone inside.”– Anonymous
“Do something good; no one sees it. Do something embarrassing; everyone sees it.” – Anonymous
If embarrassment were a muscle, I’d be huge.” – Brent Weeks
“Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?” – Rick Riordan
When someone is embarrassed of you quotes
When someone is embarrassed of you, that is their problem and not your problem. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Yes, you may not be perfect, but that’s no fault of yours. No one is perfect. However, if someone you love is embarrassed of you. You need to meet them one on one and try and find out why.
If you feel someone is embarrassed of you, you have to take the time to be sure. There is a chance that you may be reading the signs wrong. However, if you find out, they keep getting embarrassed by you and trying to get you to dim your light. First, take a step back. Do not be in a rush to jump into the ring and start fighting. Do some objective introspection to know if there is any water to their actions. Whether or not you feel the embarrassment holds any water, it is best not to take it personally. This is because any embarrassment they feel for you is coming from them and not the other way around. There is always a chance you are reading the situation wrong and letting your own insecurities take control of the situation.
The next thing you should do is confront them and make it known how you feel about the entire situation. This plan may not go according to what you want. So, be prepared for gaslighting or downright insults. If the reaction is negative, one immediately leaves the situation. Be careful not to retaliate or escalate the situation; leave and find a way to move forward. You deserve to be with people who take you as you are and don’t impose their reality on you.
Nevertheless, there is a chance that there is a valid reason they may have acted embarrassed of you. Try to make the distinction and see if you can be a better person.
Here are some cool quotes to help you navigate when people are embarrassed of you.
“I don’t waste a lot of time on profound embarrassment. I have always been somewhat the same person. I can think of maybe particular items of clothing that I think, ‘Oh God, I used to wear that?’ But nothing serious. It’s not like, for a while, I became some sort of goth wannabe. I’ve always pretty much been me.” – Andy Richter
“What is an embarrassment? In general, embarrassment is an emotional response to an innocent mistake. The major reason that some of us are embarrassment prone is that we’ve been conditioned to set unrealistically high expectations for ourselves and to judge ourselves negatively when we can’t possibly meet those standards.” – Toni Bernhard
“Perhaps the most embarrassing experience is being caught at a lie by a simpleton who sneers at our asinine cleverness.” – Franz Grillparzer
“In extreme circumstances, I think embarrassment is a luxury.” – Fred Vargas
“I know how much embarrassment hurts, and I love it as a theme because you can keep digging a hole. It’s just an endless, well, embarrassment.” – Ricky Gervais
Embarrassment isn’t a just cause of action.” – Jodi Picoult
Embarrassment is the worst! It’s the feeling of having your entire body go numb and not knowing what to do with yourself for that one moment.” – Miley Cyrus
“Embarrassment is improvement’s biggest enemy.” – Ryoko Kui
“Embarrassment is a partner in the creative act.” – Charles Jeffries
“Embarrassment felt a lot like eating chili peppers. It burned in the back of your throat, and there was nothing you could do to make it go away. You just had to take it, suffer from it, until it eased off.” – Sarah Addison Allen
“There is no alarm clock like embarrassment.”– Maryrose Wood
“Nothing powers hate better than embarrassment.” – Janet Morris
“Embarrassment and awkward situations are not foreign things to me.” – Paul Rudd
Your past is not your future
The past is in the past and does not determine your future in any way at all. Know this and know peace. When you are down or come in contact with situations that try to make you embarrassed of your past and where you are coming from, stop and re–evaluate. The truth is that no matter what you have done in the past, your future can still change. Do not be deceived by people who say people do change. If people do not change, our bodies won’t grow old, our beliefs won’t change, and our mindset will remain the same as when we were a child.
If you have ever felt drawn down by the past or how some bad things happened to you that is keeping you from reaching the point you want in your future, we are here to tell you that you are not alone. Even though your present, for the most part, is affected by the past, every second is a new chance to rewrite your future. Thus, worrying about the past would only make your future worse. Utilize the present.
An excellent way to move on from the past is to acknowledge it and make amends. Accept the fact that it was not perfect, and you could have done better. Accept that all the negative emotions you are feeling are valid and natural. Do not suppress them; let them run their course. However, as they are running their course, start taking advantage of the present. Use all the knowledge you got from your past to make better choices. You may fall again, but immediately stand up! And use the knowledge you learned from your failure and become better.
Here are some compiled quotes to help you leave the past behind:
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.”– Thomas S. Monson.
“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”– Bil Keane.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”– Albert Einstein.
“Never erase your past. It shapes who you are today and will help you to be the person you’ll be tomorrow.”– Anonymous
“Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.”– Luke the Evangelist.
“The future depends on what we do in the present.”– Mahatma Gandhi.
“The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The present is our only reality.”– Robert M. Pirsig.
“You have to know the past to understand the present.”– Carl Sagan.
“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”– Robin Sharma.
10. “The future hasn’t happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only moment we have is right here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I’m in.”– Anonymous
The past is a stepping stone, not a millstone.”– Robert Plant.
“The past has no power over the present moment.”– Eckhart Tolle.
“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.”– Friedrich Nietzsche.
“I like to use the hard times in the past to motivate me today.”– Dwayne Johnson.
Be thankful and enjoy life
Life is such a beautiful thing. There is so much to be happy about. From the stars in the sky to the green grass to the air we breathe. Cultivate a spirit of gratitude and happiness. There is always something to be happy about. For instance, even if things are going bad, the fact that you are alive is enough reason to keep being thankful and develop an attitude of gratitude.
Being thankful makes you an all–around better person because it affects your health. There is research that shows that experiencing gratitude can relax your system, which improves your immunity and reduces blood pressure. Additionally, people that are grateful tend to have good lifestyle habits like taking sunlight, smiling more, and exercising.
Enjoying life is also an essential thing to do. However, this does not mean you spend all your time outside. Even though that’s a way to enjoy life, you can choose your own way; maybe it’s spending time with your loved one. Trying new foods, eating ice cream, reading your favorite book, or sleeping. Enjoying life means several things to people.
One very good way to slow down and take in all the happiness in the world is to enjoy the little things too. When was the last time you played in the rain? When last did you pay attention to the tastes of your food and savor every bite? When was the last time you just sat down at the bus bench and did absolutely nothing? Just taking in reality as it is and enjoying the fact that we are existing in this beautiful world.
Here are some quotes to help you be thankful and enjoy life:
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”– Oprah Winfrey
“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”– G.K. Chesterton
“In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”– Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”– Alfred North Whitehead
“Forget yesterday–it has already forgotten you. Don’t sweat tomorrow–you haven’t even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift–today.”– Steve Maraboli
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”– John F. Kennedy
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson
“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.”– Elie Wiesel
“When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”– Tecumseh
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”– William Arthur Ward
“Before I get out of bed, I am saying thank you. I know how important it is to be thankful.”– Al Jarreau
“Be grateful in your own hearts. That suffices. Thanksgiving has wings, and flies to its right destination.”– Victor Hugo
“Reflect upon your present blessings–of which every man has many–not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”– Charles Dickens
“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”– William Faulkner
Embarrassing situations are part of the spice that reminds us that we are alive. It is a necessary evil that can either be a way to laugh at the absurdity of life or amplify your insecurities. It is your choice to make. Choose to be happy; choose not to feel embarrassed. Choose to live life to the fullest. Choose to live, laugh, and love.
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